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Accountability is the reason we exist

If we left exercising up to our communities, things could be really bad. The average person needs somewhere to go and maybe even someone expecting them to arrive, holding them accountable to their health goals…..or they just won’t do it. If health and fitness were an innate behavior, we’d be out of business!

In addition to accountability people need an action plan

Having a plan allows people to develop strategies, parameters, and patterns to develop new behavior. This too is why the Fitness Industry exists. We provide a place to go to use the action plans we may have provided and we monitor progress. This is how people gauge results. They also do so by their level of confidence, how they look in their clothes, how others respond to them and how they physically feel day to day.

Can you confidently say your club provides those benefits of becoming a member without offering a structured and customized nutrition plan to accompany your fitness services?

Would exercise alone support someone to develop sustainable strategies, measurable progress and new behavior?

…Maybeee, but not likely

That’s where Balanced Habits comes in. Our company literally provides each and every aspect you would need as a fitness business to offer a proven, sustainable, customizable and systematic approach to offering nutrition. So systematic you will have the ability to scale your nutrition services into an entire new department for you club. Imagine having a new profit center from nutrition alone? It’s not only possible; it’s typical with the partners we work with.

Don’t take my word for it;

Read what longtime Balanced Habits Partner, Jonathan Aluzas of Arena Fitness in Los Angeles, CA had to say about his partnership with BH:

BH has been the single most impactful partnership in the history of our company. Put simply, it SOLVED the nutrition component. It allowed us to have an effective, easy to follow nutrition program that is scalable to hundreds of people while remaining simple to implement and maintain.”

Arena has earned just under $200k in program signup fees alone,
since signing on with Balanced Habits. They are known for having a proven nutrition solution, which has changed the way their massive LA Community perceives their level of authority.

Download Balanced Habits Nutrition Turn-Key Report to get a full breakdown of your Return on Investment with each of Balanced Habits programs.

Head BH Coach, Carolyn

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