All too often people who struggle with their eating habits hesitate to adopt healthy nutrition because they mistakenly think that an effective diet requires strict adherence to “health food” and restrictions. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
In order to be successful with healthy nutrition, you have to love what you eat and be able to indulge in your favorite unbalanced treats from time to time. We know that you can have it all eating the Balanced Habits™ way, but what better way to learn what healthy and balanced nutrition can look like than by observing what the professional certified Food Coaches from Balanced Habits™ HQ eat from day to day.
Check out a day of eating in the life of Food Coach Mae!
Balanced Habits™:
Because Mae is as active as she is, her breakfast provides an excellent start to her day and will give her the energy she needs!
“I exercise 3 times per week strength training. I’m usually on the treadmill daily in the winter, and walk/run outside all summer long! I try for 15,000+ steps a day.” ~Mae
Balanced Habits™:
This yummy and excellent lunch has the right amount of protein nutrient rich carbohydrates and just the right amount of healthy fats to make sure Mae’s energy stays stable and will keep her from getting hungry.
“My favorite foods are fruits and veggies!”
“My least favorite food is tofu.” ~Mae
Balanced Habits™:
Afternoon snacks are a great way to make sure you don’t get too hungry between lunch and dinner. Mae does a great job making sure her snack is the just the right amount of food in excellent balance for her.
“[Sometimes as an alternative to Snack #2] I’ll have a cup of tea with a little bit of milk & sweetener in it (the way my mom used to prepare it!).” ~Mae
Balanced Habits™:
This dinner is an excellent example of Mae getting in her nutrient dense veggies, a clean protein, and healthy fats. A perfect ending to a great day of eating that will support her with all of the fun activities she loves doing throughout the year!
“I love gardening and being outside in the summer. Active in many sports including pickle ball, golf, mountain biking, jogging. Season ticket holder of the Saskatchewan Rough Rider CFL football team! Love to travel to warmer climates! My husband and I have recently retired and purchased a home in Surprise AZ to get away from thecold Saskatchewan winters. We also have three grown children whom we love to visit any chance we can.” ~Mae
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