Businesses and consumers alike are in a funk about getting back on track.
There’s this odd “pause” from people waiting to commit to anything.
Like, “I want to, but what if……?”
Personally I understand this to some degree, but waiting on life is not the best plan. Waiting “to see” causes us to not be prepared, not progress, and be one step behind.
The Fitness Industry has undergone an enormous shift with how we were and how we are conducting business.
Consumers have also undergone an enormous shift in their mindfulness about their health and overall wellness.
The Healthcare Industry is looking at these shifts and how they can benefit from the “new normal” way of obtaining optimal health that includes new strategic partnerships.
NOW is the time to be proactive, not complacent.
At Balanced Habits™ we understand you’re struggling to get back on track. We know you’re reluctant to take on anything outside of your core services with less staff, less available bandwidth and let’s face it……less available revenue.
We’ve revamped our business model to meet the moment. We understand where you are right now and where you want to go.
We’ve built a system to get you where you need to be to take advantage of the alignment of two industries with little effort on your part.
Wish you had your own Registered Dietician, Nutritionist, Diabetes Specialist, Food Coach, and Life Skills Expert that you could promote without having to hire any of them? Does that sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not.
By becoming an Affiliate of Balanced Habits™ we will be “YOUR TEAM” in every sense of the meaning.
I encourage you to read our Affiliate Pro forma Report to see the type of non-dues revenue you can earn by simply presenting the opportunity of customized nutritional programming to your audience. We will give you ALL THE TOOLS you need to make this a successful venture right out of the gates.
Be proactive while the rest of the world is getting their act together.
Be ready for your customers to require you to solve their health and overall wellness.
Be a visionary and an industry leader, while others are content with the status quo! Implement programs and systems that your customers and insurance payers will require. Wellness and Lifestyle modification programming within fitness clubs is here!
Be prepared for this new paradigm, where fitness clubs have the opportunity to solve chronic care issues that the healthcare industry has failed to time and time again.
Carolyn Fetters
Health & Wellness Industry Thought Leader
Balanced Habits
(657) 231-6779
Visit our new Balanced Habits Business FaceBook page to see what we’ve been up to this past year!