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There are two ways to deal with change.  One is taking action and trying something new and different, sure to produce an outcome and the other is inaction, resulting in things staying status quo; or essentially the same.
Taking action has to be enacted when one is fed up with the way things are to the point they are willing to do things differently.  No one can want it for you, as you’re the one who needs to be ready to do the work.  Inaction is ultimately more frightening, leading to frustration and the inability to change and grow. Inaction is like a paralyzed state of being. Most of the time inaction is a way of saying “I’m not ready to change.”
At Balanced Habits we understand how difficult it is to take that first step.  Asking for help can be difficult.
“I should know how to do this,
what’s wrong with me?”
We believe that asking for help is actually a sign of strength that you are ready for the support of an expert and you are acting on it vs. contemplating it. That’s the sign of someone strong and ready to grow
I encourage you to take action today by scheduling a Discovery Call, using this link, with one of our Expert Food Coaches to support you to reach the goals you have for yourself. Get a customized road map for your nutrition that is simple, sustainable and just makes sense.

Carolyn Fetters of Balanced Habits, LLC