We thought it might be helpful to help you prepare to run your first 5K; whether it’s a race or simply around your neighborhood. The key to injury free running is to honor your body and its capabilities. There is a big difference in pushing yourself to improve and pushing your body before its ready. The “no pain, no gain” saying doesn’t apply to running! Pain may be a sign of injury.
Strength training helps your running progress. Having muscles, ligaments and tendons prepared for endurance exercise will significantly benefit you. Incorporate both lifting and running to get the biggest bang for your buck!
- Don’t stretch much beyond loosening up before you warm up; imagine your muscles, ligaments and tendons are rubber bands that need to warm up before pulling too hard.
- Start every running workout with five minutes of walking to get the blood flowing.
- Walk-run-walk… until you have completely eliminated walking.
- Stick with 20 minutes for the first week; then add 5 minutes each week thereafter.
- Stick with 12 – 15 miles per week max. for the first month; then add 3 – 5 miles each month thereafter if you feel like progressing your mileage and your body is ready.
- Enjoy your run! The hardest part is starting.
- Be the tortoise, not the hare. The people at the back of the pack have more fun. Unless you are a competitive person, enjoy the race.
- Finish with a five-minute cooldown walk. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!
Walk/Run Plan for a 5k this January 2022
If you are a true beginner, start with a walk/run plan.
Week 1: Brisk walk for 5 minutes. Jog slowly for 1 min., walk for 1 1/2 min. Repeat these intervals for 20 min., or until you become uncomfortable. Walk 5 min. to cool down.
Week 2: Brisk walk for 5 min. Jog slowly for 1 1/2 min., walk for 2 min. Repeat intervals for 20 min., or until you become uncomfortable. Walk 5 min. to cool down.
Week 3: Brisk walk for 5 min. Jog for 1 1/2 min., walk for 1 1/2 min., jog for 3 min., walk for 1 1/2 min., jog for 3 min., walk for 3 min. Repeat intervals for 20 min., or until you become uncomfortable. Walk 5 min. to cool down.
Week 4: Brisk walk for 5 min. Jog slowly for 5 min., and walk for 2 min. Repeat intervals for 20 minutes, or until you become uncomfortable. Walk 5 min. to cool down. Gradually increase running time until you can do 10 minutes straight. Then increase the 10 – 12 min., and so on, each week. Do this 3- 5 times a week, and make sure you just lace up your shoes, and get out the door.
Run Plan for a 5K this January 2022
Sign up for a 5K, even if you don’t think you’re ready.
Equipment. All you need is running shorts, shirt and shoes.
Injury. If you have any sharp pain, or your joints feel injured, stop running.
The runner’s best friend is ice, and rest. It helps with the healing process.
We hope this all helps! Good luck on your first 5k!