A Message from Your Balanced Habits™ Team
Summer is fast approaching!
May is the unofficial-official start to summer! Vacations are top of mind and plans for spending more time outdoors begin taking shape. For some of us, the thought of wearing less clothing, and in many cases, a bathing suit conjures up a sense of dread. The great news is that there is plenty of time to do something about it! It’s never too late to start creating small and consistent changes that will be evident when you’re ready to hit the beach, lake or pool. We’re not talking a huge overhaul either; just little improvements that will absolutely add up.
2022 is the year of Y-O-U and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. ☺ In fact, you are the most important person to keep healthy. Make your health, fitness and wellness a priority so that you can be 100% for your family and friends.
Put yourself first so you’re the very best version of “you” possible.
Have a marvelous May!
Balanced Habits News
The 44th Installment of the Balanced Habits™ 4 Week Balanced Habits™ 4-Week Program will be getting underway this month all across the USA and Canada. What began in 2008 is still going strong and changing lives. In fact we’ve now transformed over 85,000 lives with this one program alone. Each time we launch a new program, we get so excited to expose new people to see how simple it can be to begin the process of building a healthier lifestyle. In just 4 weeks’ time we’ll have the pleasure of watching thousands of people start to transform their body, their mindset and their lifestyle. We love what we do!
Prep your body for summer, learn how to “hack” your way through your kitchen, refrigerator, and mealtimes to begin living your best life. ☺ Consider what it would mean to have an action plan that will save your time, money, brain power, and that overall will simplify your life. There’s no better time to start working on a life filled with quality, energy, strength, confidence, positivity, and vitality!
Speak to a Balanced Habits™ team member to find out how you can learn exactly what you need to do to reach your health & wellness goals once and for all! We have a plan for you.
Balanced Habits™ Recipe of the Month
Here is a fun bonus recipe to try!
Abby Pops

→ This recipe yields 6 Abby Pops
1 1/4 cup cold water
1 cup of any Berries, puréed
(ends up being about 3/4 cup)
1/3 cup Plain Low Fat Greek Yogurt
1 Tbsp. Chia Seeds, crushed with a pestle or spoon
Evenly divide water into 6 Popsicle molds or Dixie cups.
Puree Berries in a blender or mini food processor. Evenly divide berry puree into the Popsicle molds.
Crush Chia seeds. Add to yogurt and incorporate. Evenly, divide chia-yogurt into the Popsicle molds or Dixie cups. Place in the freezer for at least 3 hours before enjoying.
Add preferred non-Sugar Sweetener Packet(s) to Step 3.
1 Balanced Habit to Work on in the 1st Month of 2022
(Each month we will add to this list)

- Cut back on coffee, tea or soda and drink more water.
- Eat something for breakfast every day.
- Stir fry a mixture of diced colorful veggies each week to add an antioxidant boost to your morning eggs!
- Wake up just five min. earlier than normal to stretch you entire body before anything else.
- Lay your exercise clothes out the night before in a place where you can’t avoid them.
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