A Message from Your Balanced Habits Team
Ahhh, August. The month of amazingly warm, sunny and long-lazy days. While it’s important to embrace the opportunity of relaxation, don’t let it knock you off track of your health & fitness goals. Even though it’s good to function without a routine from time-to-time, don’t extend that to letting go of your fitness or healthy eating routine. Those two important routines should be a built-in habit that is anchored in and untouchable.
Have an Awesome August!
Balanced Habits™ Tips
Make it a goal to not only be more active, but to intentionally exercise for at least 20 min. every day! You might have to wake up earlier to ensure nothing gets in the way of your “exercise me time,” which is common during summer months. Early morning in the summer is so peaceful with less traffic, less hustle –n- bustle and the stillness of nature. Not to mention setting up your day for success as a bonus for your efforts. You can do this and it’s the way to go to stick to your exercise routine.
Another great aspect to August is the abundance of fresh produce. Soon enough the gardens will once again be bare and store-bought produce prices rise. What can you do today, to prepare for the months ahead? Can you cut and freeze? Are you able to bottle or can produce? What about roasting and pureeing for future soup bases? Low Sugar jellies or jams with berries or stone fruit? Hop onto Google and seek recipes or instructions how to try new things to expand your knowledge. It’s fun! And your future self will be so happy you took the time and made the effort to capitalize on the availability of summer produce. Nicely done!
Balanced Habits™ Recipe of the Month
Roasted Vegetable Purée
Choose any vegetables you have an abundance of; such as: zucchini, squash, eggplant, carrots, parsnips, onions, tomatoes…etc.
Peel (if necessary) and chop veggies appropriately, considering roasting time for a hard vs. a soft vegetable.
→ Hard veggies should be cut smaller/thinner than soft veggies.
Place chopped veggies in a baking dish. Liberally spray with olive oil. Sprinkle with Original Mrs. Dash. Pour over a can of Diced Italian-Style Tomatoes. Top with 2 – 3 whole bay leaves.
→ If you are growing herbs too, add chopped herbs to pump up the flavor.
Place baking dish tightly covered with foil, into pre heated oven on 400°F. for 35 – 45 min., or until tender. Remove foil last 15 min. of roasting.5. Remove from oven. Let cool. Remove to a bowl if using an immersion blender, or use a food processor or blender (in batches if necessary) to puree. When puree is totally room temp., place in double-bagged freezer gallon Ziploc bags and freeze flat.
Balanced Habit to Work on in the Month of August
- Cut back on coffee, tea or soda and drink more water. (Jan)
- Eat something for breakfast every day. (Feb)
- Stir fry a mixture of diced colorful veggies each week to add an antioxidant boost to your morning eggs! (Mar)
- Wake up just five min. earlier than normal to stretch your entire body before anything else. (Apr)
- Lay your exercise clothes out the night before in a place where you can’t avoid them. (May)
- Give yourself a compliment each morning after brushing your teeth. (Jun)
- Drink 8 oz. of room temperature water immediately upon waking. (July)
- Write out your weekly exercise plans on Sunday evening for the coming week. (Aug)