Outsourcing is the business practice of contracting with an outside operator to take care of services or tasks instead of hiring new employees or assigning those tasks to existing staff. It’s a popular way for businesses to lower operational costs, streamline operations while still handling important functions, and more effectively provide desired services customers are willing to pay for.
Outsourced tasks may be a regular part of business operations, such as contracting with a cleaning service rather than hiring janitors as employees. It can also include core services that the business provides their customer base; such as nutritional services rather than hiring an in-house Registered Dietician or Nutritionist.
Advantages of Outsourcing
The services being outsourced will likely include independent consultants or a company, meaning no added employment tax per payroll. No matter the size of the business, contracting out services, even core services, will allow the business to…
- Focus on core tasks
- Lower costs
- Promote growth
- Maintain operational control
- Offer staffing flexibility
- Provide continuity and risk management
- Develop internal staff
- Improve retention
- Increase non-dues revenues with little to no effort
Excerpts from Club Solutions News
Consumers view wellness in three key areas.
- Better Health
- Better Fitness
- Better Nutrition
The global wellness market is valued at $1.5 trillion and estimates its growth at 5% – 10% percent each year, varying by region.
Download our Affiliate Pro Forma Report to learn how you can take advantage of this disparity of revenue being generated by offering what consumers want.

Carolyn Fetters
Health & Wellness Industry Thought Leader
Balanced Habits
(657) 231-6779
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