Tell us About Your History With Weight Loss:
I've always been a moderately healthy person. I don't eat a lot of junk food or fast food. I cooked family-
friendly meals that were nutritionally healthy. But, over the last 3 years I noticed that I'd been gaining
weight. My circuit training gym shut down during the pandemic and I became very sedentary. I really
used the pandemic as an excuse to just stop working out. I'm a very disciplined person, but I really don't
like working out. So, I took the pandemic as an opportunity to give myself a workout pass. But I noticed
that over time I was gaining weight, I was tired all the time and my clothes were becoming tighter and
tighter. I wasn't feeling like me. I knew I had to make a change.

Please share your Circumstances that lead you to Join Balanced Habits:
My dad started Balanced Habits through our local hospitals fitness program. I saw the results that my
dad was getting, and realized the way he was eating wasn't that different than how we already at. Just
what we ate, how much, and when was structured so he could lose weight. I was already helping him
refine his nutrition within the program guidelines, so, I thought, why not give it a try myself.

What Positive Impacts Did Participating Provide You?
I'm down 20-lbs, I have more energy, I'm sleeping better, and all my clothes fit like they're supposed to!
Some are even a little big!

Have You Made Previous Attempts to Lose Weight in the Past?
I have done Weight Watchers in the past and have been successful. But, like anything else if you don't
embrace it as a lifestyle change, it won't stick. I tried just limiting my calories and exercising like crazy
and saw no results (which was so discouraging). I saw the Balanced Habit program as a lifestyle change
that I could easily take on. It's not complicated, and you're given all the tools you need to be successful.
They even tell you how much you should target for exercise, and the level of intensity, to maximize your
own personal fat burn.

Who Was Your Food Coach and Did You Find Having a Coach Beneficial?
Carolyn was my coach, and she was wonderful. We had a call to go over what my goals were and how
the BH program worked. Within a day or two of signing up, I had everything I needed to get started. I
journaled my food intake, and Carolyn helped me refine my choices as I went along in the process. By
the time I was done with the 4-Week Program I felt well-equipped to take on the program myself. But I didn't.
I signed up for BH 8-Week LIFE Program so that I could continue to have the accountability of knowing someone was
waiting for my weigh-in details and to review the food choices I made for the week. I wanted to be sure I
didn't let go of that safety net until I felt like I had really made the program a habit for life.

Would You Recommend Balanced Habits to others and Why?
Yes, and I already have! A lot of my friends are in the same boat I was in. Mid-50's, feeling all the
menopausal things, and feeling a little defeated that they've let themselves go. Often, we want to blame
menopause for our own lack of exercise and poor food choices. And Carolyn set it clear for me...we can
all do it. Our bodies all work the same (excluding if you have some medical issue that would cause it not
to be) and if you put the right foods into it, exercise, and control when you eat, your body can be its own
little fat burning machine. I'm proof it works! I can honestly say that my body changed in ways I didn't
expect, and it's motivating me to keep sticking with it.

Please Share any Particular Personal Stories or Experiences?
I learned more about nutrition than I have ever learned before by going through this program. That
really makes things click and STICK!  Also, I hated getting on a scale. I never weighed myself. But, getting in the habit of doing it can be a positive thing. Not only when you lose weight, but it keeps you in check. Carolyn also taught me to
appreciate the off-scale victories as much as the on-scale ones.

Angela Vannucci

Jeff, Tell us About Your Journey of Weight Loss:
I have consciously tried to lose weight once in the last 5 years and did manage to accomplish some weight loss. However, it was short lived and I proceeded to not only put the weight I lost back on, but increased my weight to a big number. The added weight certainly had a large impact on my physical condition as I was easily tired after doing anything requiring some physical exertion such as going up steps. I was reluctant to do anything requiring too much physical effort such as playing more than 9 holes of golf in one day. Emotionally, it was affecting my outlook on physical activity in general and leading me into a stagnant lifestyle.

What Circumstances Lead You to Join Balanced Habits?:
I needed another full knee replacement and decided if I was going through with the surgery, I would also make some dietary changes to improve my quality of life. I managed to lose some weight and started exercising (water walking) and was well on my way to a better lifestyle. After consulting with my doctor, he suggested a nutrition program to help me continue to my journey to a better lifestyle and also to try and eliminate some (if not all) of the medication I am taking for cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Tell Us Some Positive Impacts You've Experienced So Far:
I was able to reduce my blood pressure medication by 50% (at this time). My A1C level is now just below the limit for type 2 diabetes and I am hoping to be able to reduce or eliminate this medication after my next doctor visit. I do not shy away from physical activity and have plenty of energy throughout the day.

What Have You Tried in the Past?:
The difference in the Balanced Habits program compared to my "self help" program is night and day. I'm now making informed decisions about what I consume and understanding the impact of my decisions in relation to my overall well being. I have a clear path forward of which I can control my dietary decisions, exercise, and lifestyle. It is a long term sustainable approach to living the way I desire to live.

Who is Your Personal Food Coach and Why is a Coach Important?
Carolyn Fetters is my food coach. She took the time to understand where I am at in life and what goals I wanted to achieve going forward. She provided continued support with dietary suggestions while never telling me "not to eat something". She educated me about choices I make and the impact of my choice with the goal being to help me make choices I can accept and live with. I was exposed to different exercise options while not being forced into any of them. Again, the idea is to make me aware of options and let me choose which option might work for my lifestyle. The communication between us is open, direct, and she went out of her way to make her time available to me.

Would You Recommend Balanced Habits and Why?
I would definitely recommend Balanced Habits to others and am already doing so when I get the question of "What are you doing to look so good ?" I tell them I decided to get informed about meals, foods, and the impact they have on my lifestyle. Anyone looking for a long term, sustainable lifestyle with regard to nourishing their body, eating every day foods in the correct quantity, they should look into Balanced Habits.

Jeff McFadden

Tell us Your Back-story and Some Insight:
I've struggled with my weight for 40 years and have been trying to lose weight off and on for the same period. My physical health has suffered with osteoarthritis in my knees now limiting my ability to do physical activities. I have lost and gained back the same 50 pounds at least 6 times.

What Circumstances Lead you To Join Balanced Habits:
I had participated in Balanced Habits 3 years ago and was successful. Then my Mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer and the stress and emotional toll involved, with the 2 plus years of caregiving, had me reverting back to my main stress reliever, "food for comfort". Now that my Mom has passed, I felt it was time to get back to what worked for me in managing my weight.

Share Some Positive Impacts of your Experience(s):
I believe the Initial 4-Week program I started with is good training to learn how to eat on the program but personally, having a longer term food coach is very helpful as accountability for me is key.

What Have You Tried in the Past and Why is this Program Different?:
I've tried all the major diets IE: weight watchers, Jenny Craig, Medifast and was successful for a time. I didn't like the cost of the programs and the reliance on purchasing their food products. They didn't really teach you how to live in the real world. Balanced Habits has taught me how to cook differently, what an appropriate portion size is, how to read a food label to choose products wisely, and how to embrace the 30 minutes or so of feeling hungry before the next mealtime. That 30 minute is when my fat is being used by my body as fuel.

Please Name your Personal Food Coach and Why Having a Coach was a Game-Changer for You?:
Carolyn is my Food Coach. She has been so accessible. I'm not very computer savvy, she was very patient with me when getting me up to speed on doing the food journaling. She touches bases with me every day with some sort of message. When I have questions, she responds quickly. She keeps me on track and notices if I forget to read the daily lessons.

Would You Recommend Balanced Habits to Others?:
I truly believe the Balance Habits lifestyle will be sustainable for the rest of my life. There is a bit of a learning curve to start. My results have been so encouraging. I'm on day 60 and am down 22 pounds. My goal is to lose 20 more pounds so I can get knee replacement surgery.

Please Share a Personal Story about Your Experience to date:
I live on the Washington coast and I wanted a clam chowder recipe after we dug 40 razor clams. Coach Carolyn sent me a BH recipe the same day and let me tell you, it was so delicious.

Monica Mueller